earn money from blog

How to Earn Money with A Blog and get Started? A Beginner’s Guide in 2022

Blogging has become one of the most popular ways to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. But did you know that you can also make money from your blog? In this article, we’re going to show you how to start a blog and earn money with it. Before we get into the details, it’s important to note that there are many different ways to make money from a blog. 

3 of the most effective ways to make money by starting a blog

There are many ways you can make money with your blog, and in this post, I’m going to break down three of the most common. You might’ve read about these methods on other sites that specialize in blogging advice, but I’m going to give you a new understanding of why they work and how to use them effectively. That way, once you’ve built up a following for your blog, you’ll be ready to start making money from it. So buckle up: we’re about to discuss some exciting ways for you get paid for your hard work!

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money from your blog. In this type of arrangement, you promote products and services on your blog and earn money when someone clicks through to buy something. For example, if you write an article about how much you love the new iPhone 8 Plus or how much better it is than my Samsung Galaxy phone, then I could pay you for making that recommendation.

For starters, search for affiliate programs in the niche that you want to write about—some platforms have thousands of companies offering affiliate programs that are relevant to just about any topic! Once you’ve found a program(s), sign up as an affiliate via their application process (usually requires proof of identity). They’ll give you access codes/links so that when people click on them they’ll be taken directly through to their site where they can purchase products without leaving yours behind first!

The best part? Many companies offer generous commissions (like 50% off) plus extra incentives like free shipping or gift cards when purchases reach certain thresholds within specified time frames… so get started now!

Selling Digital Products on Your Blog

If you have expertise in a specialized field and want to share your knowledge with the world, creating a digital product is an excellent way to do it. To make money from your blog through selling digital products, create an online course based on your expert knowledge (such as writing, photography or graphic design). You can then sell these courses on subscription by offering them for free for a limited time.

Create a members area for your paid membership site where you provide premium content such as exclusive interviews or bonus material that aren’t available elsewhere. You can also offer other benefits like access to downloading useful resources such as templates or cheat sheets.

You should always aim at providing value through the courses that you create so that people are willing to pay for them. Give away some of your best tips in the free section so people want more!

Once everything is set up (including payment gateway), promote it everywhere – social media platforms like Facebook groups etc., forums related topics/niches etc., YouTube channel if possible…

Displaying Ads on Your Blog

If you’ve read this far, then you’re probably wondering how to get started. You could start by asking yourself what kind of ads you’d like to feature on your blog. There are three main types:

  • Google Adsense – this is the most popular type of ad in the world and can be used on any kind of platform including blogs, YouTube channels and websites.
  • Ezoic – this is a newer form of advertisement that works well for blogs because it automatically matches ads based on keywords within articles.
  • Mediavine – this system also helps match ads with content but does so using human editors rather than artificial intelligence software (AI).

Remember, you can’t be an overnight success. You have to work hard, stay consistent and learn from your mistakes. But if you do all three of these things, it won’t be long until you’re making money off your blog.

Starting Your Blog

Now that you know some of the ways you can make money from a blog, let’s take a look at how to get started.

1. Choose a Niche 

The first step to starting a blog is to choose a niche. This is the topic or focus of your blog. It’s important to choose a niche that you’re passionate about, as this will make it easier to write content and build an audience. 

In addition, it’s also a good idea to choose a niche that has a potential to make money. For example, if you’re passionate about fashion, you could start a fashion blog and eventually make money through affiliate marketing or selling advertising space. 

2. Choose a Platform 

Once you’ve chosen a niche, it’s time to choose a platform for your blog. There are a few different options to choose from, but the two most popular are WordPress and Blogger. WordPress is a popular option because it’s easy to use and there are a lot of customization options. 

However, it does require you to host your own website, which can be a bit more expensive. Blogger is a good option if you’re looking for something that’s easy to use and doesn’t require you to host your own website. However, there are fewer customization options with Blogger. 

3. Choose a Domain Name

After you’ve chosen a platform, it’s time to choose a domain name for your blog. This is the address people will use to find your blog, so it’s important to choose something that’s easy to remember and relevant to your niche. If you’re using WordPress, you can choose a domain name through a provider like GoDaddy or Namecheap. 

If you’re using Blogger, you can use a custom domain name if you have one, or you can use a subdomain like yourblog.blogspot.com. 

4. Set Up Your Blog 

Once you have a domain name, it’s time to set up your blog. If you’re using WordPress, you can find instructions on how to do this here. If you’re using Blogger, you can find instructions on how to do this here. 

5. Write Content 

Now that your blog is set up, it’s time to start writing content. When writing your posts, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Write content that’s interesting and relevant to your niche.

How to write content for my blogs that ranks on google

You want to write great content that people actually want to read. But you also want that content to rank on Google’s search engine. What can you do?

Research competitor keywords

The first step to writing a blog post that ranks is researching the right keywords. If you’re going to be competing with other writers, then it’s important that you do your research so that you can beat them. First, use the Google Keyword Planner tool (GKP) – it’s free and easy to use! In this tool, enter all of your competitor’s search terms into an Excel file or Google Sheets spreadsheet so that they are all there in one place for reference. You’ll want to look up how many searches each one gets per month as well as which ones have low competition and high search volumes (the higher these numbers are for each keyword, the more likely someone else will pass over it). Then go through each one manually until you find some unique phrases that aren’t coming up in any of their articles. At this point we’re ready to start writing!

Optimize your content for search intent

The first step in optimizing your content for search intent is to identify the type of search intent behind each keyword. You can do this by looking at the top 10 results for a given keyword and noticing what kind of things they’re talking about. If you want to write about how to get rid of belly fat, for example, and your competitor’s website has an article titled “7 Foods That Burn Belly Fat,” then you know that belly fat is their primary focus. But if one of your competitors’ articles is titled “10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Eat Fried Foods,” then that indicates fried foods may be their main focus instead.

Search intent can also be identified by looking at which parts of people’s queries are capitalized: For example, if someone types “how do i [capitalize] lose weight fast? [period],” it’s clear that losing weight is the primary concern—not simply losing weight (which could mean anything).

Optimize your heading tags H1,H2,H3,H4

You can use the H1, H2, H3 and H4 tags to help Google understand your content. The heading tags are important for SEO because they tell Google what your page is about. If you get these wrong you could have a penalty against your site.

The most important one is the H1 tag as this is used by Google as a title of your page. For example, if I was writing an article about SEO then my heading would be “How To Write Content That Ranks On Google”

It’s also worth noting that you should use relevant text for each header tag (i.e no “Lorem Ipsum”).

Don’t be afraid of long-form content

Long form content (content that is 2,000 or more words) is not only good for SEO, but it also improves user experience.

Long form writing can help you make a stronger connection with your readers. You’re creating high-quality content that will provide value to them, which makes them want to read more of your blog posts and share them on social media.

Long form also makes it easier for search engines like Google to index all of the information on your blog post by having a lot of text and images in one place, instead of being spread out over multiple pages with short paragraphs. It’s important that the search engine knows exactly what you’re talking about so they can give users accurate results when they search for something related to what you wrote about in the article!

Include images, videos, screenshots to add context and make it more interesting

As you know, Google is a search engine that provides users with relevant information based on their queries. In order to help them find the most accurate and helpful content for their searches, it uses complex algorithms to determine the quality of each website. These algorithms look at factors like how often you update your blog, how long people stay on your site after reading each post, and whether people are sharing or commenting on it.

However, one of the most important factors in determining Google’s ranking is user engagement—or as we call it here at Content Harmony: The art of making visitors interested enough in your content that they want to share it with others. If your readers love what they read (or watch or hear), they’ll want their friends and family members to see it too! This means additional traffic for your blog—and if done right—increased rankings as well

You can get your blog post on first page on Google

To rank for a keyword on Google, you need to write content that is relevant to your audience. Keywords are the words or phrases people type into search engines when looking for information on a topic. Your job as a writer is to connect with readers who have this problem and provide them with the solution they’re looking for.

That’s easier said than done, though. The first step in creating great content is understanding how people search online and what they’re looking for when they do so. Luckily there are tools out there that will help you figure this out!

For example: When someone searches “how long does it take my website go live,” they’re likely looking for something very specific—in this case an answer about how long until their new website goes live after being developed by another company (this could be days or weeks). If you had some knowledge about these tools before getting started writing this article—like us—you’d know exactly what keywords to optimize around during your research phase before even starting out with any actual writing work load required of course…

If you’re writing content for your blog, then make sure to keep these tips in mind. They can help you rank higher in search engines, which will get more people reading your content. The best way to do this is by doing some research on what people want and giving them that with quality content!

6. Monetize Your Blog 

Once you have a good amount of traffic, it’s time to start monetizing your blog. As we mentioned earlier, there are a few different ways to do this. 

One option is to join an affiliate program. With this method, you promote products or services on your blog and earn a commission when someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase. 

Another option is to sell advertising space. This is a great option if you have a large and engaged audience. Advertisers will pay you to display their ads on your blog, and you’ll earn money every time someone clicks on an ad.

 Finally, you can also make money from your blog by selling products or services. This could include anything from e-books to online courses to physical products. If you have something of value to sell, you can use your blog as a platform to reach a wide audience and make some sales. 

7. Promote Your Blog 

Once you have your blog set up and you’re writing content, it’s important to promote your blog. Share your posts on social media, and be sure to include links back to your blog. 

You can also submit your blog to directories, and guest post on other blogs in your niche. In addition, it’s also a good idea to create social media accounts for your blog. This will help you promote your blog and build an audience.

8. Track Your Progress 

Finally, it’s important to track your progress. Use Google Analytics to track your traffic, and see how your blog is performing. This will help you see what’s working and what’s not, and you can make changes accordingly. 


Starting a blog is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. But did you know that you can also make money from your blog? In this article, we’ve shown you how to start a blog and earn money with it. 

If you’re looking to make money from your blog, there are a few different options to choose from. You can make money through affiliate marketing, selling advertising space, or selling products or services. 

To get started, choose a niche, choose a platform, and choose a domain name. Then, set up your blog and start writing content. Once you have a good amount of traffic, you can start monetizing your blog. 

Finally, promote your blog and track your progress. This will help you see what’s working and what’s not, and you can make changes accordingly.

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