How To Build A $2000/Month Blog In 2023 (A Monetization roadmap)

Have you been thinking about starting a blog, but don’t know where to begin? Are you looking for a way to make money online, but don’t know how to get started? In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to build a $2000/Month blog in 2023 – with specific tips and strategies that have been proven to work. 

Whether you’re just starting out or already have some experience with blogging, this guide will give you the advice and guidance you need to make your blog successful.

Introduction: What is Blogging?

It seems like everyone is a blogger these days. But what is blogging, really? Blogging is simply writing or creating content for the internet on a regular basis. This content can be in the form of articles, videos, or even just social media posts. 

The key to successful blogging is consistency; if you can commit to writing or creating new content on a regular basis, you can build up a following of loyal readers or viewers who will return to your site again and again.

A blog as not just a source of information, it can also be a powerful tool for making money online. A blog can act as a mediator between a Google search and a purchase, providing readers with product reviews, information, and everything they need to make an informed decision.

However, to make money with a blog, a purchase typically has to be made somewhere. For instance, simply writing an article on how to tie shoes might not result in any sales. 

Thus, bloggers have to think creatively about how to monetize their content, using strategies such as affiliate marketing, ads, online courses, digital products, sponsorships, and CPC deals.

One of the most significant advantages of blogging is that it is a highly scalable business model that can be outsourced and managed remotely. It allows bloggers to make progress while they sleep and even hire other people to help them grow their business.

However, the key to making money with a blog is to acquire traffic. Without an audience, a blog cannot generate any revenue. Thus, bloggers must create a content strategy and choose a niche they want to write in. By doing so, they can attract readers to their blog and monetize their content through various strategies.

Overall, blogging is an excellent way to make money online. As Google search continues to grow, bloggers have more opportunities than ever to build their businesses and generate income. With the right approach, bloggers can turn their passion into a profitable business and enjoy the freedom and flexibility that comes with being a successful blogger.

In this guide, we’re going to show you how to start a blog that makes $2000/month within its first year. We’ll give you step-by-step instructions for setting up your site and creating content, as well as tips for monetizing your blog so you can start earning money right away. By following our advice, you’ll be well on your way to financial success with your very own money-making blog.

Preparing your blog: Choosing a Niche, Domain Name, and Hosting

Blogging has become one of the most popular ways to share your thoughts, ideas, and expertise with a vast online community. However, before you start typing away on your keyboard, there are several crucial decisions that you need to make. 

Choosing a Niche

The first step in starting a blog is to decide what your blog will be about. Choosing a niche is vital because it will determine the topics you will write about and the audience you will attract. Your niche should be something you are passionate about and knowledgeable in, as this will make it easier for you to produce quality content.

To choose your niche, you need to consider what topics interest you and what topics you are knowledgeable in. You should also consider the target audience you want to reach. Do you want to target a broad audience or a specific one? 

Also Read: 12 Most Profitable Niches for a Copywriter in 2023

For example, if you are interested in food, you could choose to blog about recipes for a specific cuisine, such as Italian or Indian. Alternatively, you could choose to blog about food in general, targeting a broader audience.

Domain Name

Once you have chosen your niche, the next step is to choose a domain name. Your domain name is the web address that people will use to access your blog. It’s essential to choose a domain name that is memorable, easy to spell, and relevant to your niche.

When choosing a domain name, you should try to keep it short and simple. You should also avoid using hyphens or numbers as they can make your domain name harder to remember. Ideally, your domain name should reflect your brand and what your blog is about. If you are blogging about food, for example, you could choose a domain name like “” or “”


Hosting is the process of storing your blog’s data on a server that is accessible over the internet. There are several hosting options available, including shared hosting, dedicated hosting, and virtual private server (VPS) hosting.

Shared hosting is the most affordable option, but it also has the least amount of resources. With shared hosting, your blog will share server resources with other websites. This can lead to slower load times and decreased performance.

Dedicated hosting is the most expensive option, but it also provides the most resources. With dedicated hosting, you have a server all to yourself, which means that you have more control over your blog’s performance.

VPS hosting is a middle-ground option that provides more resources than shared hosting but less than dedicated hosting. With VPS hosting, your blog will share a server with other websites, but each website has its resources.

When choosing hosting, you need to consider your blog’s needs, including its traffic, storage requirements, and budget. If you’re just starting, shared hosting is a good option. As your blog grows, you can consider upgrading to VPS or dedicated hosting.

Preparing your blog involves several essential decisions, including choosing a niche, domain name, and hosting. Choosing the right niche is crucial because it will determine the topics you will write about and the audience you will attract. 

Your domain name should be memorable, easy to spell, and relevant to your niche. 

Finally, your hosting should provide the resources your blog needs while fitting within your budget. By taking these steps, you can set your blog up for success and start sharing your thoughts and expertise with the world. We highly recommend Hostinger for all hosting needs.

Traffic and early-days monetization

When you start a blog, your first step is to grow your traffic, and that means creating content that people will find valuable and want to read. To monetize your blog, you need to choose a path that aligns with your content strategy, and that’s where affiliate marketing comes in. 

The reason why affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize your blog is that it can dictate your content strategy and control the articles that you write.

One of the benefits of affiliate marketing is that it allows you to earn commissions on sales generated from your blog. This means that you can make more money with affiliate marketing than you could with ad revenue alone. 

When you write articles with affiliate links, you are providing valuable information to your readers while also making money from commissions on any sales generated through those links.

To give you an example of how affiliate marketing works, let’s say you are a blogger in the home niche, and you want to write an article about the best home security systems. 

You would research the top home security systems, write a comprehensive article that includes your personal experiences and opinions, and include affiliate links to those products. 

When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission on that sale.

Affiliate marketing is all about finding the right products to promote to your audience. To find these products, you can use tools like Ahrefs to search for popular keywords in your niche. Look for keywords like “best” or “top,” followed by a product category or type. For example, “best golf shoes,” “best web hosting,” or “best credit cards.” 

By targeting these keywords, you can write articles that rank well in search engines, driving traffic to your blog and increasing your chances of earning commissions.

Another benefit of affiliate marketing is that it allows you to promote products that align with your brand and your audience’s interests. This means that you can build trust with your readers by providing valuable information and recommendations for products that they are interested in.

Overall, affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize your blog and earn passive income. It requires some effort and research upfront to find the right products and write high-quality content, but it can pay off in the long run. 

As you grow your traffic and build your audience, you can expand your monetization strategies to include other revenue streams like sponsored content, digital products, and courses. But starting with affiliate marketing is a great way to get your foot in the door and start earning money from your blog.

Online course once you have an audience

Online courses are a popular way to monetize a blog or website. They allow bloggers and entrepreneurs to create and sell their own digital products, sharing their knowledge and expertise with a global audience. 

However, it’s important to note that online courses require a certain level of audience engagement in order to be successful.

Affiliate marketing is often the recommended starting point for bloggers and website owners, as it is a content-based approach that focuses on search engine optimization (SEO) and product-specific search terms. 

Building up an email list is also key, as this is often where online courses are sold. However, selling courses is an entirely different discipline from affiliate marketing, and it requires its own unique strategy.

For those who are new to online course creation, it may be helpful to hire an expert in the field or to invest time in learning the necessary skills. 

For example, one blogger recounts how it took them some time to build up their email list and become proficient at affiliate marketing before they felt confident in creating and selling their own online courses.

To successfully sell online courses, it’s important to create specific content that is focused on the topic of the course, such as how-to posts, best-of lists, or tutorials. Lead magnets, such as free checklists or courses, can also be effective in building up an email list and creating interest in the course content.

Once an email list has been established, it’s important to survey subscribers and create course content that meets their needs and interests. Pricing the course appropriately is also key, as is developing a launch strategy that includes email sequences and other promotional activities.

While online courses can be a lucrative way to monetize a blog or website, it’s important to approach this strategy with the right mindset and skill set. 

Affiliate marketing and email list building are great places to start, but it’s important to recognize that creating and selling online courses is its own unique discipline that requires time, effort, and expertise.

While online courses can be a lucrative source of revenue, it’s important to remember that they are ultimately a tool for sharing knowledge and educating others. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing online courses as a quick way to make money without putting in the necessary time and effort to become an expert in your chosen niche and craft a course that is truly valuable and informative.

Teaching the right thing is essential for building credibility and trust with your audience. If you create a course that doesn’t provide real value, you risk damaging your reputation and losing the trust of your followers. 

This is why it’s crucial to take the time to research your topic thoroughly and to ensure that you have the necessary expertise and experience to teach it effectively.

Before creating an online course, it’s a good idea to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. This means building up a strong following, creating high-quality content, and demonstrating your expertise through your blog, podcast, or other channels. 

By doing so, you’ll have a built-in audience who is already interested in what you have to say, and who is more likely to purchase your course.

Ultimately, creating an online course should be seen as an extension of your existing content and a way to provide even more value to your followers. 

By approaching it with the right mindset and putting in the necessary time and effort, you can create a course that truly makes a difference in the lives of your students while also generating a sustainable source of income.

Easy and recommended – Display Ads 

When it comes to monetizing a blog, there are various methods that bloggers can consider. One of these methods is ad revenue, which can be a viable option for certain types of blogs. 

However, some bloggers consider ad revenue to be a last resort for monetization, as it may not be as effective or profitable as other methods.

For example, recipe blogs may rely heavily on ad revenue as their main source of income. This is because readers may not necessarily be searching or looking to buy anything directly related to the recipe itself. 

On the other hand, blogs that cover niche topics or offer products and services may find other monetization methods to be more effective, such as affiliate marketing or selling digital products.

That being said, ads can still be a valuable way to make money through a blog. Articles that generate a lot of traffic, such as how-to guides or idea lists, can be a great opportunity to include ads. These ads can generate passive income for the blog, especially for articles that may not be as well-suited for affiliate marketing.

It’s important to keep in mind that the success of ad revenue as a monetization strategy largely depends on the amount of traffic a blog receives. In order to start making significant money through ads, a blogger needs to have a significant amount of traffic coming to their site. 

This is why it’s important for bloggers to focus on creating high-quality content and driving traffic to their site through various marketing strategies.

For bloggers who are interested in pursuing ad revenue as a monetization strategy, there are a few different ad networks to consider. Google AdSense is a popular option for bloggers who are just starting out, as it is easy to set up and manage. 

However, as a blog grows and generates more traffic, bloggers may want to consider switching to other ad networks, such as Ezoic, AdThrive, or Mediavine, which offer higher payouts and more personalized support.

While ad revenue can be a viable option for blog monetization, it’s important to keep in mind that it may not be the best or most effective strategy for every type of blog. 

Bloggers should consider their niche, the amount of traffic their site generates, and other monetization options before deciding whether or not to pursue ad revenue as a source of income.

Other Monetization Strategies

There are various other monetization strategies that bloggers can consider, in addition to ad revenue. Affiliate marketing is a popular method that involves promoting products and services to readers and earning a commission on any resulting sales. Best-of lists and product reviews are common types of articles that work well with affiliate marketing.

Another popular monetization strategy is selling digital products, such as e-books, online courses, or memberships. These types of products can be an effective way to generate income while also providing value to readers.

Finally, some bloggers may be able to sell banner ads, email newsletter spots, or other placements directly to brands. This method requires a larger media company blog and may require a sales team member to manage.

Choosing the Right Monetization Strategy

Ultimately, the best monetization strategy for a blog will depend on a variety of factors, including the blog’s niche, target audience, and goals. It’s important to experiment with different strategies and track their effectiveness in order to determine the best approach.

By focusing on creating high-quality content, driving traffic to their site, and testing various monetization strategies, bloggers can develop a successful blog that generates income and provides value to readers.

Monetization Timeline

It’s important to have a clear understanding of the different strategies available and how to implement them effectively. Here’s a step-by-step framework to help you monetize your blog quickly and efficiently:

Also Read: 9 Proven Strategies To Monetize Your Niche Hobby Blog For Passive Income!

Step 1: Start with affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to start earning money from your blog. By creating articles around best product posts in your niche, you can attract readers who are interested in purchasing those products. 

Through affiliate marketing, you can earn a commission for every click or sale made through your affiliate link. This will also help to dictate your initial content strategy.

Step 2: Build your email list with exit intent pop-ups

Once you have started creating content and attracting visitors to your blog, it’s important to focus on building your email list. Exit intent pop-ups are a highly effective way to acquire new subscribers. 

By offering a lead magnet in your niche, such as a free eBook or guide, you can entice readers to sign up to your email list. This will enable you to start building a relationship with your subscribers and eventually sell to them.

Step 3: Join an ad network

Once your blog starts receiving 25,000 to 50,000 visitors a month, you can start thinking about joining an ad network. Our recommendation is Ezoic – which can help you monetize your blog through display advertising. 

It can become a significant source of income initially, it can help you earn a few hundred or even a thousand dollars a month.

Step 4: Invest in building an online course

Once you have built up your email list and traffic, it’s time to start thinking about creating and selling your own products. An online course is a great way to monetize your expertise in your niche. 

By surveying your email list and understanding their needs, you can create a course that meets their specific needs. This will enable you to earn a significant income from your blog.

Step 5: Get into direct sales

Once you have established a successful blog with multiple income streams, you can start looking at direct sales. 

This involves hiring a sales team member and building cost-per-click and sponsored article deals into your website. You can sell newsletter placements directly to companies to build your income.

By following this step-by-step framework, you can monetize your blog effectively and efficiently. It’s important to focus on the right strategies at the right time and to build up your income streams gradually. 

With dedication and hard work, you can turn your blog into a successful business and earn a significant income from it.

Tracking Results with Analytics

If you’re serious about making money from your blog, then you need to be tracking your results with analytics. By understanding which content is performing well and which isn’t, you can make informed decisions about where to focus your time and energy.

There are a number of different analytics tools out there, but we recommend Google Analytics. It’s free to set up, and it provides a wealth of data that you can use to improve your blog.

To get started, create a free Google Analytics account and then install the tracking code on your blog. Once that’s done, you’ll be able to see how people are finding your site, what they’re doing when they get there, and how long they’re staying.

This information is invaluable for understanding what’s working on your blog and what isn’t. Use it to make changes and improve your results over time.


Blogging is a great way to make money online and build yourself a passive income stream. While it does take some time and effort, the rewards can be well worth it when you have your own $2000/month blog in 2023. 

With the step-by-step guide provided here, you now have an idea of what steps need to be taken in order to build a successful blog that earns you money each month. All that’s left for you to do is start taking action!

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