9 Pointers to On Page SEO Checklist in 2022 (Old Ways Are Redundant Now)

SEO is evolving rapidly now. As Google gets better at understanding intent and semantics, old methods of on-page SEO are redundant. This article talks about the changes in on-page SEO rules in the coming years, how to optimize your content now with these updates and how your content can provide high quality answers to user’s intent.

In 2022, what will be your On Page SEO Checklist? What will be the template to follow for content creators and marketers to meet their goal of a better search rank? We have 9 things listed below which you should pay attention to!

Target Keywords

Placing keywords to tell google what this article is about rather than simply ranking for a phrase.

A reader or indeed Google’s algorithm would expect all kinds of different contexts and variations of these keywords and things that make the articles robust and unique and how they’re organized

Use your main keywords and variations in the page title, sub headings and in logical places throughout the article.

Writing blog posts is a great way to boost your search engine rankings, but not all blog posts are created equal. In order to get the most value out of your blog, you must write posts that include keywords that people are actually searching for.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to find good keywords and use them to create targeted content that will help you improve your rankings and increase traffic.

How to Find Keywords

First, let’s look at how you can find keywords for your blog post:

1) Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool

2) Use a third-party keyword research tool such as SEMRush or SpyFu

3) Look at competitors’ content, especially older articles that perform well in search engines.

Heading Structure 

The heading structure is critical to on-page SEO. Not only does it help Google understand what your content is about, but it also helps users understand what they’re about to read.

The first thing you should do when writing a new post or page is to title it with an H1 tag. This should be the title of your post or page (if you’re writing a blog post) and should be written as if you were speaking directly to your reader. T

he next step is to use H2 and H3 tags for subheadings within your post or page. These are used to break up the text into sections and can be used anywhere in the body of the text where you want to make a point or introduce a new topic.

Headings are the most important element of your website. They are used by search engines for indexing and by readers to navigate through your content. The heading structure of your blog will have a direct impact on its on-page SEO and overall user experience.

Headings need to be used properly and in the right order, as well as spaced out properly with the rest of the text.


One of the first things to do is to choose the right blog structure. This will help you with the on-page SEO of your blog and make it more readable for readers.

There are two popular blog structures:

the Inverted Pyramid, where you start with the most important information and keep adding details until you reach a conclusion

the Problem-Solution-Benefit structure, where you start with a problem and then move on to a solution, which benefits your readers.

Most bloggers use one or another of these structures, but there’s nothing wrong with mixing them up. For example, if you want to talk about how to build an online store in WordPress (problem), you could start by explaining how e-commerce works (solution), get into specifics like what plugins are needed and how much they cost (benefit).


The use of language is very important to on page SEO. Your writing should be simple and easy to understand by your target audience.

You should use very simple language and make sure your grammar, punctuation, and contextual correctness is all up to mark. It’s also important that you don’t use too many technical terms or jargon in your content as this may confuse your readers or even result in them leaving the page altogether.

Thinking about how your readers will understand what you are trying to say will help you create well-written content that will help improve your website’s ranking on Google.

Use Data Schema 

These days SEO plugins like rank math or even the Gutenberg editor on WordPress allows you to define schema. Use the FAQ schema, this is by far the most powerful way to tell google what you are writing about!

Schema is a way for Google and other search engines to understand what your content is about. This makes it easier for them to index your site and make them more likely to display your content in search results. In addition to making it easier for search engines, it also helps users find relevant information quickly when they are searching online.

If you are writing an article, use the FAQ schema. This is by far the most powerful way to tell google what you are writing about.

Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool. This tool will show you if your page is using schema, and if not, how to fix it. 

If you don’t have time to write a full article, then try using a Q&A format. This will help you rank for terms like “how to” or “what is”. You can also use this format for more advanced topics, like “top 10 reasons why people love cats”.

In addition to this, make sure that any images on your site have descriptive alt tags (words that describe what the image is). These can be used as snippets in search results and help explain what your page is about.

Quality content 

Write the Best Possible Article for the query or keyword you are targeting. 

You don’t want people coming to your page and immediately going back to google and clicking another article – very bad for SEO. 

You want to write articles that will get people to stay on your page and read more of your content.

This is very important for SEO:

You don’t want people coming to your page and immediately going back to google and clicking another article – very bad for SEO.

The best way to do this is by writing an article that answers the user’s question. You want them to read through the entire article and leave with all their questions answered.

When you write like this, it makes it easier for Google’s algorithm to understand what your page is about, which improves its rankings in search results.

Give your take on the topic

Originality is critical for on page SEO. The first thing you need to do is give your take on the topic. You are the only unique thing about your query – make your experience known.

The second thing you can do is add a personal story or anecdote to your article. This will make it more interesting, and it makes a connection between you and the reader that will improve conversions.

Your third option is to include a testimonial from someone who has used your product or service. This helps establish trust because they are using their name and reputation to endorse you, and it will also boost conversions because people trust social proof more than anything else.

Understand Search Intent for your query 

Understand why your audience is searching the target query. Answer the intent wholly and to the point. 

Give them what they want when they land on your page. 

There are two kinds of search intent. The first is informational intent, and the second is navigational intent.

Informational search is when someone searches for a piece of information. For example: “How do I bake cookies?” This type of query could be answered by a recipe or a video on how to make cookies.

Navigational searches are when someone searches for a specific website or brand. For example: “Amazon” or “Apple.” These types of queries can be answered by sending searchers directly to your site or landing page with the information they’re looking for on it.

The best way to understand what your audience wants is by asking them directly on your site with surveys and polls, but if you don’t have that kind of time or resources, there are other ways to do it as well:

Ask yourself: What do I want when I search for something? If you’re trying to sell something, ask yourself what you would search for if you were looking for that product or service. If you’re trying to educate people about your industry or business model, ask yourself what questions people might have about what you sell and how it works so that you can answer those questions in easy-to-understand language on every page of your website.

User experience 

Good UX is a big deal. It’s not just about having a great looking website, it’s about making sure that people can use and understand the site easily. 

To get on page seo right User experience is very important in 2022

Layout your content and use content formats that are visually pleasing and serves up information in an easy to read manner.

Use videos, images, graphs and charts where possible to break up text and make reading easier for users. You can also add these elements to your blog posts too, which will help improve engagement rates and keep readers engaged with your site.

Add visual cues to indicate links or buttons so that users know what they need to click on. This will reduce frustration levels when trying to find specific items on your site.


There is a good chance that your blog content will be narrowed down by Google to a smaller set of keywords, and it might change down the road. This is the intention behind a list like this, to suggest you to update your on-page SEO checklist with the latest rules and move forward with the changes that are here.

In the coming years, SEO will be more than just keyword optimization, link building and social network management. If you want to rank better immediately, we recommend you to use tools that can help you assess your pages’ performance against page speed optimization and mobile friendly techniques. Additionally, you should use tools that keep track of changes on SERPs so that you’re knowledgeable of what and how Google wants its users to see.

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