June 2022

creative storytelling

How To Use Storytelling In Copywriting To Drive Sales in 2022? A Complete Guide

If you want to become a successful copywriter and write persuasive sales copy, then you need to learn how to tell stories. Stories are the most effective way to create an emotional connection with your readers and persuade them to buy your products or services. Whether you’re writing website copy, landing pages, emails or blog …

How To Use Storytelling In Copywriting To Drive Sales in 2022? A Complete Guide Read More »

what is copywriting

What is Copywriting? A Simple Beginner’s Notebook

Copywriting is writing that’s designed to sell. Copywriting commonly refers to copy used on a website, but it can also refer to printed material like brochures, billboards, or even radio commercials. A good copywriter understands how people read and navigate the web, as well as how they interact with businesses (both in real life and …

What is Copywriting? A Simple Beginner’s Notebook Read More »

DR copywriting

What is Direct Response Copywriting? 3 Real Life Lessons

I’ve been writing copy for companies for over 20 years, and I’ve learned a lot about how to connect with audiences. You might think that direct response copywriting is outdated or not relevant in today’s world, but the truth is that it has more applications than ever. Let me explain why—and show you how to …

What is Direct Response Copywriting? 3 Real Life Lessons Read More »

Insurance Blog

How to Start Blogging About Insurance in 2022?

Blogging, as a business practice, has exploded in popularity in recent years. On the one hand, that’s great news! You have a lot of opportunities to expand your reach, increase engagement with your audience, and grow your sales pipeline. On the other hand, with more blogs comes more competition. That means it’s harder than ever …

How to Start Blogging About Insurance in 2022? Read More »

why do people read blogs in 2022

6 Reasons Why People Read Blogs in 2022 (And how your Business can benefit)

When blogs first started taking over the internet, some folks assumed they were a passing fad. Fast-forward 15 years and it’s clear that those naysayers couldn’t have been more wrong about the future of blogging! Today, blogs are still thriving. In fact, there are now more than 450 million active blogs in the world today. …

6 Reasons Why People Read Blogs in 2022 (And how your Business can benefit) Read More »

Will a Blog Help me Generate More leads

Does my Business Need a Blog in 2022? (Will it Generate More Leads?)

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably trying to come up with more ways to generate leads for your business. You’re also probably wondering if a blog can help. Well, the answer is yes! Blogging has become an effective way for companies and individuals to connect with their prospective customers and build audiences, resulting in …

Does my Business Need a Blog in 2022? (Will it Generate More Leads?) Read More »

Examples of Direct Response Copywriting

11 Examples of Direct Response Copywriting that Freshers Can Use Today!

If you’ve seen ads on TV, social media, or the web for products or services that you can buy right away, you’ve experienced direct response copywriting. This form of writing is designed to reach readers and tell them exactly what they want to know as quickly as possible. The goal is that the reader will …

11 Examples of Direct Response Copywriting that Freshers Can Use Today! Read More »